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]]>Increase awareness on the Romanian travel market both towards the end-consumers, through media apparitions and special projects, and towards tour operators and travel agencies, through representing the destination at different tourism events and creating new business contacts;
Maintain an excellent relationship with written, TV and online Romanian media; Have a dedicated contact person for media inquiries; Send press releases to media & bloggers; Facilitate media apparitions, interviews and publishing of positive articles about the destination;
Create a website and/or blog dedicated to Romanian tourists; Conceive and administrate a Facebook page in Romanian, dedicated to the Romanian public; Translate the region’s website in Romanian;
Organize contests on radio, TV shows, on websites, blogs or in the written media to promote the touristic region; Intermediate business contacts with Romanian travel agencies and tour-operators; Intermediate contracts with Romanian music & TV stars (filming a video or TV & radio show, visiting the designated destination and promote it on the social media channels, live broadcasting of TV and radio shows, etc); Promo baskets;
Organize press conferences; Organize presentation trips or meetings with Romanian tour-operators;
Organize press trips with journalists and bloggers;
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]]>The post Travel Agencies appeared first on
]]>Send press releases to media & bloggers; Have a dedicated contact person for media inquiries; Maintain excellent relationship with written, TV and online media; Facilitate media apparitions, interviews & publishing of positive articles; Organize press conferences;
Facebook page concept and administration; Creation and update of a company blog with travel articles; Facebook campaigns;
Organize press trips with journalists and bloggers to destinations that the agency wishes to promote;
Organize contests on radio, TV shows, on websites, blogs or in the written media; Promo baskets;
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]]>The post Resorts/Hotels appeared first on
]]>Increase the resort / hotel’s awareness on the Romanian travel market both towards the end-consumers, through media apparitions and special projects, and towards tour-operators and travel agencies, by representing the resort/hotel at different tourism events and creating new business contacts
Maintain excellent relationship with written, TV and online media; Facilitate media apparitions, interviews and publishing of positive articles; Have a dedicated person for responding to media inquiries and information requests; Send press releases to journalists & bloggers; Organize press conferences
Create & administrate websites and Facebook applications dedicated to Romanian customers; Translation of the company’s original website in Romanian and constantly update it;
Organize sales trips in Romania (scheduling meetings with tour-operators, travel agencies and big companies with MICE interest);
Organize press trips with journalists and bloggers to promote the resort/hotel;
Organization of contests on radio, TV shows, websites, blogs or in the written media; Creation & printing of advertising materials in Romanian language; Promo baskets;
Creation & printing of advertising materials in Romanian language;
Organize press conferences
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